
I found this article in my comment,send by my GF and i decide to share this info in my blog. She send it to me cause i do have quite a serious gastric problem. I’m not sure where this article originally from, and i’m just post it here so that we all can learn a little bit about gastric. Thank you sayang for the article 🙂

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. It is caused by drinking too much alcohol, prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, or infection of bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). It can also develop after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns, or severe infections. Diseases such as pernicious anemia, autoimmune disorders, and chronic bile reflux, can also cause gastritis.

A person suffering from gastritis experiences stomach upset or pain, belching, abdominal bloating, nausea and vomiting as well as a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. Blood in the vomit or black stools may be a sign of bleeding in the stomach and requires immediate medical attention.

Diet helps in easing out the discomfort experienced in gastritis. One should eat foods that are easily digestible. The food should be easy on the stomach. What foods to eat for gastritis?

Diet tips for Gastritis:
– One must have regular meals. Eating too often can cause acidity.
– Milk and dairy products should be limited to 3 servings per day or less. Have low fat or
fat-free dairy foods whenever possible. It will control the stomach’s acid production.
– Alcohol, black and red pepper, chili powder, chilies and hot peppers should be avoided.
– Caffeine can increase the amount of stomach acid. Teas, coffee, colas, cocoa, chocolate
should not be taken.
– One should take less of tomatoes, peppermint, tomato juice, fatty foods, and citrus
juices. These can cause heartburn or pain in your esophagus. One may have to also limit
the intake of onions, cinnamon, garlic, and cloves if they upset the stomach.
– High fiber foods are not bad for the stomach. They do not cause pain for most people
suffering from ulcers or gastritis. High fiber foods are whole grains, cooked dried beans,
and fruits and vegetables with peels.
– Foods that cause gas should be avoided. These are broccoli, cabbage, onions, milk,
cooked dried beans and peas, some fruits etc.

The food intake in the case of gastritis should not upset the stomach or cause pain. One should eat food that is easy on the stomach and can be digested easily. Spicy and greasy food should be avoided and food that is easy on stomach should be taken.

Food Habits To Prevent Gastritis:
– Eat slowly: Eat slowly by chewing the food thoroughly. This will help in proper digestion
and prevention of gastritis.
– Do not Eat Full Stomach: Overloading yourself with food can aggravate gastritis.
– Have smaller meals: Have small meals followed by a snack. This will give time for your
stomach to break down the food and digest properly. Having a small meal every 3 hours
is recommended.
– Avoid spicy foods: Chilli powder, cloves, pepper or spicy foods can worsen the symptoms
of gastritis. Hence, stay away from such foods.

Foods To Include and Foods To Exclude For Preventing Gastritis:
– Include: Leafy vegetables, wheat bran, unpolished rice, fresh fruits, vegetable salads,
coconut water, carrot juice, banana, low dairy foods.
– Avoid: Coffee, alcohol, whole milk, cream, meat, pork, orange juice, soda, spicy foods,
hot cocoa, beans, broccoli.

Certain medications such as NSAIDs can result in gastritis. If you are taking such medicines, consult your doctor who can prescribe a different medicine in their place. Cutting down on smoking and alcohol intake is also important to prevent gastritis. A proper diet for gastritis combined with stress managing methods and lifestyle changes can help in preventing gastritis.

Published in: on 1 May, 2011 at 18:00  Comments (3)  

Hello world again

How times fly. This is my second post here and its already a year since my last one  \(‘o’)/ Guess we need to wait another year to read another one m(@_@)m
So,what make me wanna write in here again,u might ask. Well,FYI, my company just bought me (i bought it my self then claim it to the company actually :-P) a samsung galaxy tab last two week. While i was window shopping in the android market,i stumble into this wordpress application for android. So,i download it and install it in my (ops,my company’s) galaxy tab. Right now,i’m writing this entry using my galaxy tab. Cut to the chase : Just wanna see how this application works in android generally and galaxy tab specifically p(‘_’)q
Well,thats been said,it does seem a bit relaxing using galaxy tab writing this entry. It feels like u r just sending some msg to ur friends. U can type easily in here,but its quite tricky when it comes to making some adjustmend,due to the limit of the screen n the touch pad rather than old school keyboard and mouse. Maybe it just me,couse i’m still new with this thing (my precious tab?) and still not very familiar with its enviorment. Everyday i find new thing about this galaxy tab,new button,new command, new application etc.
I guess thats all for now as i cant wait to save this entry (need to find the button 1st for that) as i myself havent got a clue on how this will look on net. Maybe now i will write more after this since blogging are now easier with galaxy tab. Till then,adios fellas

Published in: on 1 May, 2011 at 17:18  Leave a Comment